Thursday, June 28, 2012


So today I had the experience to try a SlimCado for the first time. Now I LOVE LOVE LOVE avocados. I seriously can sit there with a knife and just eat a whole one by myself. I know, kinda weird. But to each our own right?

So I wanted to try what is marketed as being a healthier, less fattening version of one of my favorite fruits.

First some interesting back story on the avocado...did you know that depending on where its grown, that it will look different? Be as tiny as a lil over 2 inches tall to over 4 inches or bigger? Also that its skin will feel and look different? The avocado is also known as the alligator fruit because of the weird skin it has. Now that we had that to try this soft, large, light green fruit...

So this thing was pretty big and I shared it with my boyfriend cause I wasn't that The peel is thinner and as you can tell its light green and smooth. There is an outer layer over the "nut" inside the fruit so when i cut it and sliced into it some stayed on the edible parts. Now for the surprise doesn't taste like an avocado! The texture was pretty much there, but it kinda tasted like a sweet pea. No...I wasnt nuts, even my boyfriend said so. I swear to god that if I mushed it up and mushed up sweat peas I almost wouldnt be able to tell the difference.

So what do I have to say about the SlimCado? I honestly dont know...if you dont care for the strong avocado flavor but like the texture...go for it. But if you really like avocados, dont try it. You will be sadly disappointed.

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